Wow, what a summer! I can't believe it's coming to a close already. It seems like last week Rob and I were on our way to the hospital (
the second time) to welcome beautiful Gabby Grace into the world.
Since then, we've marked our anniversary, his birthday, Father's Day, Faith's birthday, my sister's wedding and many more milestones. I cannot sum up in words what this summer has been for our family, but it has simply been incredible (and let's not lie, sometimes stressful as all hell) to spend these last 12 weeks just the four of us.
I feel blessed, lucky, and beyond grateful that Rob's profession allowed him to be home during the duration of my maternity leave and when he couldn't be there because he had grad class, that my mom sacrificed by working the late shift to come help me in the mornings. It has been amazing to be a stay-at-home mama for the summer, and as happy as I am for us to have a real routine (and a daily shower) again, I am truly going to miss not knowing what day it is, hours flashing by in the blink of an eye, and seeing my children learn and grow before my very eyes.
I don't know that we'll ever have the opportunity to spend this much time as a family ever again, so I will cherish this summer in my mind and my heart for many years to come. I hope the pictures will help me recall what an incredible time it was, the summer of 2013.
Welcome, Gabby! |
First pic as a family of four! Not sure what gang sign Faith is throwing up... |
Gabby's first bath -- I still laugh every time I watch this video! The expressions on our faces in this photo are quite telling. |
We celebrated our anniversary by going out for a burger and a beer, buying a treadmill and then a quick Target run. Who says there is no romance after six years? ;) I heart the Tap House...and cheeseballs! |
My sister's bridal shower...great pic of us ladies! |
Faith is an awesome big sister. She truly loves her Gabby Gracer- yes, with an R. I know they'll be many fights in their future, but I hope they grow up to be best friends.
Faith's first haircut...which was totally unnecessary, but hopefully it will continue to make her hair grow in thicker and faster. Mama wants to do a braid already!
Many of you have asked about Howie...he had a pretty good summer too!
Unfortunately he's no longer the baby of the family and is having a hard time adjusting.
I celebrated my 5 year anniversary at UNMC and while we were at the awards dinner, babysitter Grammy Janny sent me this pic...I so wanted to rush home and cuddle them up, but the promise of a hot meal and a cold drink kept me from doing so!
Story time at the CB library. Faith acted like she was way too sophisticated for the teacher's shenanigans. (And I checked out books for the first time since college :)
For Father's Day we got Rob an Iowa State polo, a Cubs 'W' flag and some Reeces Pieces. Howie forgot to buy a card. |
He truly is a wonderful (and artistic) dad. Something about this photo makes me weepy. It's just one of those "captured in time" moments of Daddy and Daughter playing outside together. |
Is there anything more fun than running through the sprinklers when you're a kid? |
Sisterly love! |
Bouncy castle birthday fun! Yes, that's Rob Lindquist in there.
She's 3!
Will we ever all be smiling at the same time? That remains to be seen! |
Howie, snuggling up with Gabs on a lazy, weekday afternoon.
Faith, doing her lazy ,weekday morning thing.
They were also lots of naps, and sometimes a refusal to nap...I walked in to check on Faith one day and found this. |
Wow, that was fast! |
Celebrating Faith's actual 3rd birthday with what else, a vanilla ice cream cone! |
Enjoying one of her birthday presents... |
Awful, but rare picture of me with both girls! |
Spending 4th of July with her buddy, Liam, for the 4th year in a row!
Faith got more than her fair share of candy at the Logan parade! She was majorly jealous that Cami got to ride a horse! |
Celebrating my sister's bachelorette party! |
I won for best bouquet...and about died of shock. |
Faith's first "real" swimming lessons! (These don't count.) It didn't seem like they were making much progress, but Faith now lays on her back in the bathtub, puts her head underwater and then says, "My voice is gone!" since it's hard to hear yourself underwater. She even jumps in off the side now. #Progress!
Taking in a little Jazz on the Green when Gabby was just 7 weeks old.
She was so good on her first big outing, we decided to take her to the Iowa State Fair...more on that later!
And while Faith loves her sister, she isn't above a little sibling torture. Here she is smiling after piling the rings on top of Gabby's head. Gabby is not impressed and would really like to figure out how to use her hands.
She wanted to include lil' sis in "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night" so here they are with them on upside down! |
One of the major highlights of the summer -- Rachel's wedding day. She was a beautiful bride and the wedding and reception were so much fun...this mama even busted out her rusty dance moves. |
Congrats, sis! |
Faith with her new husband, I mean, the ring bearer, Jack |
Seriously, these kids love each other.
Meeting sweet baby Blake for the first time!
Gabby meets Charlie...our first road trip with Gabbers. |
Practicing our swim lesson skills at Pirate's Cove...that's Faith on the right. |
On nights when Rob had grad class, life was a little hectic, but I survived and so did Faith and Gabby! Our house however, did not.
Read any good books lately?
Paging Dr. Faith!
Rob Lindquist on bass at Bagels and Joe in Lincoln. It was the first of hopefully more gigs to come. |
Gabby meeting Henry, and holding hands already.
There were trips to the zoo. |
and to the Children's Museum, where Faith took advantage of being one of the few kids there by hogging all the purple balls. I'm not surprised. |
The one, the only: Darius Rucker! Thanks for the tix, Dad! |
Darius Rucker concert with my aunt Kris! He played "Hold My Hand," "Let Her Cry" and "Only Wanna be with You." And yes, I cried when he played "It Won't Be Like This for Long." |
This is Faith, wearing clothing on her legs. It was a big moment for our family, OK! |
We got a little cocky toward the end of the summer and decided to drive the Iowa State Fair. Things started off shaky when Gabby wouldn't take her bottle upon arrival and I had to breastfeed in the car. It was also kinda hot, I stupidly wore flip flops and people were everywhere our strollers tried to go. All in all, it was a good time, a learning experience and a memorable way to close out our summer.
I can't believe she ate the whole thing! |
Gabby pretty much did this most of the time, other than when she ate in the nursing room (which is a huge bonus to the fair). Soon afterwards, I caught her smiling at something and I didnt' know what it was. I followed her line of vision only to see this: |
World's largest ceiling fan! |
And last but certainly not least, here is the obligatory first day back to school photo.
I love Gabby's expression're taking me where??? |
What an incredible summer!
Such a sweet post! These days go way too quickly. Glad you guys had such a wonderful summer!