Just Keep Swimming

Little Swimmers: $11.99

YMCA non-member swimming lessons for Shrimps: $52 (don't judge me),

Putting on a swimsuit for the first time since pre-pregnancy: looking at my white legs in the mirror just cost me my vision, but surprisingly it wasn't as painful as I presumed...probably because it was a black one piece.

Watching my little girl experience the pool for the first time: pretty dang priceless!

We got off to a great start...

The brochure said 80 degrees....liars!
Once my little fish shrimp warmed up to the water, all was well.

Can I go off the diving board yet, Dad?
And because the term "lesson" can be used very loosely to describe what went on from 6:35-7:05, Rob wanted to dunk Faith within the first 5 minutes.


And because it had to happen sometime...

The dunk.

(I warn you she coughs at the end so please withhold your phone calls and e-mails, I feel bad enough).

So there you have it...Faith's first swim lesson. Tune in next week to see Whitelegs McGee enter the water...yeah, maybe we'll leave the camera at home.

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