Even my
daddy's guide to parenting website says that men can nest. It's when the parent wants to make sure everything (yes, everything) is perfect for when the child comes home. Cooking, cleaning, dusting, cleaning, rearranging, cleaning... you get it.

We have made some major changes in our household in the last week, and have at least one more major change to make. We now have a new living room. The overstuffed blue furniture is gone, and we now have a blue (original, huh?) sectional couch. The glass coffee table is out as well, replaced by an ottoman with storage in it. This was done to save space, and give more playing room. We've also added baby furniture: an electric swing and baby play-yard. If somehow you missed my (one of too many) Facebook posts, you saw the couch is very comfy. I tend to fall asleep as soon as I sit (and inevitably lay) down. Oh, Howie likes the new stuff too. He has claimed about four different spots as his. The one major change left? Front door. I will be picking it up today (presumably). It will have a window in it to let sun in during the afternoon hours. It also allows us to not cool the outdoors during the summer (as our current door has a leak).

The cooking has started as well. I've been joking with Nic that we need to freeze pretty much everything we eat, even things that don't need freezing. Restaurant appetizers would be wonderful, but she nixes it. Alas, ask and you shall receive. I woke up this morning to the wonderous smell of raspberry muffins and hamburger. Nic was cooking lasagna to freeze. It's a great idea, and we will have a stuffed freezer for at least a few days after Baby L is born.
Baby L is (less than) three weeks away. There is a baby pool on Nic's side. I have the 13th, a full week early. Nic has the actual due date, June 20. All but a few people in the pool have her coming before the 20th, and the earliest is June 1 (someone also had June 6, my bday). The latest is the 22nd. What this tells me? I only have about two and a half weeks to repaint the house, mow the lawn four times, trim the hedges, manage the garden, re-upholster the kitchen chairs, re-side the house, dust the ceiling.........
Favorite song heard while writing this post?
If you're wondering if I want you to (I want you to) by Weezer.
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