Today was the first day I really realized that I had spent more time in the baby department at Target than the electronics department (you may have seen I had that realization over Facebook earlier). It's one of those realizations that you have and you realize that realizing it is really a good thing. I am looking forward to getting everything in place for this one-time office. Although I've looked at about 30 lists of what is "needed" in a nursery, I think that by slowly starting now, and adding "as needed" will work to a point. We already have decided to have white furniture in the yellow room, and possibly giraffes/jungle animals as a theme. I plan on being creative when the time comes, and possibly painting something for the unborn child - which according to is the size of a sweet potato (I know, who compares baby sizes to dirty, ugly potatoes?).
As an update, we are on week 18. Nicole has an appointment this week, and she will schedule the ultrasound then. Hopefully the u/s is sooner than later, and we will know if it's a baby Rob or baby Nicole. This will be the first appointment I will miss, and hopefully the only one. Her mom has volunteered to go with her, so that is nice for the both of them. Nicole's belly is now starting to show as well. This week was her first week of having trouble gettng the top button done... so we went to Target to get her first taste of maternity clothes shopping. And of course, because her pants are becoming tighter, she bought new shirts... completely logical! :-) But, it's okay because I love her, and the shirts will be needed soon enough I feel. I will post a picture of week 18 (we have been taking one a week since week 10, but this is the first "for sure" belly picture).
Have a good week,
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