Kind of like a half-marathon (not that I would know anything about running a half or being pregnant), we've made the 20 week point. People say this is the half-way mark, but from all of the Baby Stories I've seen on TV (trust me, there have been a lot thanks to my wife) most babies come anywhere between 36 and 39 weeks, when the baby is considered full term. Here is the reason I didn't become a professional journalist - my source for that comment was watching approx. 100 episodes of "A Baby Story" in 4 months.
The nursery is coming along. We have had everything up for a week now, but we are getting new shelving for the dresser (today, I think). There was a crack in the top piece of the old on. Nothing major, but Grandma Jan felt it was enough to get a new one. That woman can work wonders! She was able to get a brand new shelf for nothing.
Nicole's belly is becoming more prominent, which is a good thing. She says she's gained about 10 lbs, which is right at what says is good. Now we are to expect about a pound a week. That means my belly (because we all know it's really about the men here) is growing about the same.
P.S. - Happy pregnancy to our friends Rob and Nikki (same names, I know!) who are celebrating their baby shower for their girl today!
I am loved.
so Rob sends me a text last night that says "i got ya a present. love ya" no offense to him, but this typically means he did the dishes or put a load of laundry in. which i might add is all the present i need :) when i get him a present, it's usually from the dollar spot at Target or involves M&Ms. anyway, so imagine my surprise when he gets home and whips out a box from helzberg...WHAT? not expecting's not my birthday or our anniversary and too early for Valentine's day. i opened it up and saw what you see here. tears welled in my eyes when i read the inscription on the heart. "i am loved" it says and that's exactly how i felt. happy 20 weeks of pregnancy he told me. it's emotional because we're halfway there and still it's hard for me to believe. still haven't felt jr.'s kicks and because i read too much on the internet, i constantly worry about something or the other going wrong. it's so nice to have my husband appreciate what i'm doing not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. i used to think pregnancy meant giving up booze and getting a cute belly out of the deal. i learned really quickly that it's hard. you have to worry about something bigger than yourself. so to know that i am loved and be reminded of it when i look down at my wrist makes it all a little easier. and if men wore bracelets, rob would have one that said "i am loved back."
Away in a Manger
baby has a crib! we picked out furniture for baby's room at NFM this weekend and thanks to my momma and stevie it was delivered on sunday and assembled by my wonderful husband and my mom within hours! every preparation step we take makes this even more real! the only reason i say that is because i haven't felt him/her kick yet! one of these days i'm sure i'll be wishing for baby to stop kicking. anyway, i'm a big fan of how the white looks with the yellow walls and can't wait to start adding to the room more. i'm thinking giraffes...
who needs sleep?

4:42... that's what time i woke up this morning... starving mind you. so i stumbled downstairs, ate a Special K bar, which brings me to 21, 866 special K bars for my lifetime, and logged on to facebook. a half an hour later i'm wondering do i go back to bed or just find something to do for the next hour. back to bed it is as soon that won't be an option. 5 months from today baby lindquist will be here. it kind of hit me yesterday, i'm going to be a mom, a MOM! i can't wait to meet this little person inside of me...what will he or she's personality be like, will he/she have many questions. it's been fun asking my mom what pregnancy was like for her...until she told me she gained close to 60 pounds...not cool mom, not cool. so far i've gained 5-7, i'm hoping the other 20-30 fills out my "golden globes" as someone put it the other night. before i sign off and go back to bed, i just want to say how much i love the show Kendra with kendra and hank. i'll leave out the part about bawling when i watched the baby episode recently. when you're preggers it's fun to identify with other pregnant ladies and for some reason i'm fascinated with her. and so since i look like shit at 5:39 a.m., you're getting a picture of her and the handsome hank. enjoy. and goodnite. again.
2010 - Year of the baby?
Happy New Year? I think we're a bit late, but whatever. A lot has been going on this month, like me (Rob) only working for 7 days in the month - not too shabby. We have started looking more closely at what we'd like in our "nursery." I put it in quotes because I'm not sure if that is the only moniker that would be applicable. P.S.- Does anyone want to buy a wood-framed futon?
Today was the first day I really realized that I had spent more time in the baby department at Target than the electronics department (you may have seen I had that realization over Facebook earlier). It's one of those realizations that you have and you realize that realizing it is really a good thing. I am looking forward to getting everything in place for this one-time office. Although I've looked at about 30 lists of what is "needed" in a nursery, I think that by slowly starting now, and adding "as needed" will work to a point. We already have decided to have white furniture in the yellow room, and possibly giraffes/jungle animals as a theme. I plan on being creative when the time comes, and possibly painting something for the unborn child - which according to is the size of a sweet potato (I know, who compares baby sizes to dirty, ugly potatoes?).

As an update, we are on week 18. Nicole has an appointment this week, and she will schedule the ultrasound then. Hopefully the u/s is sooner than later, and we will know if it's a baby Rob or baby Nicole. This will be the first appointment I will miss, and hopefully the only one. Her mom has volunteered to go with her, so that is nice for the both of them. Nicole's belly is now starting to show as well. This week was her first week of having trouble gettng the top button done... so we went to Target to get her first taste of maternity clothes shopping. And of course, because her pants are becoming tighter, she bought new shirts... completely logical! :-) But, it's okay because I love her, and the shirts will be needed soon enough I feel. I will post a picture of week 18 (we have been taking one a week since week 10, but this is the first "for sure" belly picture).
Have a good week,
Today was the first day I really realized that I had spent more time in the baby department at Target than the electronics department (you may have seen I had that realization over Facebook earlier). It's one of those realizations that you have and you realize that realizing it is really a good thing. I am looking forward to getting everything in place for this one-time office. Although I've looked at about 30 lists of what is "needed" in a nursery, I think that by slowly starting now, and adding "as needed" will work to a point. We already have decided to have white furniture in the yellow room, and possibly giraffes/jungle animals as a theme. I plan on being creative when the time comes, and possibly painting something for the unborn child - which according to is the size of a sweet potato (I know, who compares baby sizes to dirty, ugly potatoes?).
As an update, we are on week 18. Nicole has an appointment this week, and she will schedule the ultrasound then. Hopefully the u/s is sooner than later, and we will know if it's a baby Rob or baby Nicole. This will be the first appointment I will miss, and hopefully the only one. Her mom has volunteered to go with her, so that is nice for the both of them. Nicole's belly is now starting to show as well. This week was her first week of having trouble gettng the top button done... so we went to Target to get her first taste of maternity clothes shopping. And of course, because her pants are becoming tighter, she bought new shirts... completely logical! :-) But, it's okay because I love her, and the shirts will be needed soon enough I feel. I will post a picture of week 18 (we have been taking one a week since week 10, but this is the first "for sure" belly picture).
Have a good week,
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