Not bad for the Lindquists. |
I was prepared for our Chicago vacation to feel more like a work-related business trip (sans business socks). Really, whose idea of a good time is to drive 7 plus hours with a baby in the backseat to take a one-year-old to a baseball game? Yeah, me neither. But we hadn't seen some of our friends and their offspring/baby bellies in awhile, nor had I ever seen a Cubs win, so off we went to
trafficville Wrigleyville.
We planned to depart Thursday after work around Faith's bedtime so she would sleep the all the way to Cedar Rapids where we were spending the night, but at the last minute I decided to work a half day and leave at Faith's naptime/2:15. I don't wanna call myself a complete genius but Nic Jr. slept until 5:30 p.m. when we woke her up to shove some snacks in her face. (Didn't want her to overnap - if such a thing is even possible - and not sleep that night).
The bag is empty...what do we do now? |
We arrived at the A'Hearns about 6:15 p.m. After a quick dinner of chicken strips/pizza we put all three girls in the bathtub. While we didn't see anyone pee in the tub, Little Swimmers might not have been a bad idea.
Avery, Norah and Faith. No suspicious bubbles = success. |
With the kids in bed, the adults took turns reading and talking about this book:
Duh warning: Not for Kids! |
I can't really identify with this book quite yet as my child takes after her somewhat narcoleptic mother, but I'm working on a draft of "Drink Your F@#*ing Milk, Child." Due out Summer 2012.
The next morning we were up at 6 a.m. and out the door by 7:30 which is basically miraculous for four adults and three kids. Despite only a few stops (our car runs on Casey's breakfast pizza - weirdest thing) we made good time and got to our destination of Hampshire by 11:15 a.m. Plenty of time for an hour drive into the city for a 1:20 p.m. start time right? WRONG-O. When our friends kindly informed us that we would probably arrive in the 3rd of 4th inning, words from the book seen above flashed in my brain. I used every trick in my Mom 101 book to entertain this girl for the next hour.
One of her finer moments. You don't get to see images of the carnage she caused. RIP Cheerios. |
Thankfully the game was still scoreless when we finally got there so I didn't feel like we missed anything.
First things first. Order 5 hotdogs. Yes, 5.
Kobayashi who? |
Next thing you know, the Cubs scored two runs
on an error. The Cubs scored!
Faith was just as shocked as the next guy. |
I wanted her to try some cotton candy, but let's just say she didn't need any more sugar.
We also attempted some family pics. Here's why I say attempted.
And right under how to bore a child to sleep, you'll find the word: baseball.
With Faith snoozing, I could finally relax, take a few sips of Old Style and realize I was on vacation ladies and gents.
Though Mr. Marmol tried to give us a scare and gave up a run in the top of the 9th, the Cubbies won. And I got to sing the Go Cubs Go song. Check that one off my bucket list. After the game we spent Faith's college fund on overpriced Cubs paraphernalia. And then we saw Ryan Dempster carrying a purse.
Actually this was Jamie's pregnant wife Sarah's purse. Apparently he doesn't realize there's a shoulder strap? |
I stopped taking pictures for the day at this point, but here's a rundown of the rest of our night.
-Rob stole Faith's ice cream dessert at the Mexican restaurant
-Avery and Faith held a screaming contest in the Walracks back yard.
-We apologized to our host friends a lot.
Faith didn't realize we were on vacation so she slept in til 6:45, just in time for some morning toons.
Picture Rob next to her doing the exact same thing. |
We didn't feel as though Jamie and Sarah truly understood how destructive children can be, so we headed back to their place to demonstrate. They were very kind hosts and even cooked the children meals that involved lots of cheese. They are going to make great parents. Faith wasted no time taking over someone else's snacks and making herself comfortable on the dog bed.
Good thing she's cute. |
The kids also rocked the world of Jamie and Sarah's dogs, Lola and Roxy. At the rate they pick up dropped food, they will be good sisters for baby Walrack.
Foxy Roxy. |
Lola "I-refuse-to-acknowledge-the-presence-of-your-camera" Walrack. One of Howie's former girlfriends. |
Later that afternoon, we kind of invited ourselves to Jamie's parents house and pool. With the babies napping inside, it was just the adults and Avery who took turns jumping on the trampoline. I turned into a giddy schoolgirl, laughing like an idiot and slapping Rob on the arm every time he tried to bounce me into the atmosphere. Avery was just plain adorable.
Faith and Norah woke up in the pack and play together (would've like to been a fly on the wall when that happened) and then it was time live vicariously through my daughter's two piece. And because women are smarter than to pose for a photo in a bathing suit, here's a picture of my two hotties.
If I could do thought bubbles for these two, Faith would say, "What the hell are our parents thinking? We can't swim." Norah would reply, "Probably, Go the F#$% to Sleep." Just kidding. Babies don't swear.
Apparently I'm a picture slacker after 4 p.m. so these are the only two photos taken the rest of the day. Yay for forced group shots :)
Avery, Sarah, Me, Faith, Norah and Amy! |
Thank you to Iowa State for introducing us lovely ladies to these men, who all are/will be great dads. |
The next morning, we left about 8 a.m. for our trip home. It just so happened to work out that the Williamsburg outlet mall was a good halfway stopping point. The bad part is they only have an Arby's, McDonald's and truck stop for restaurants. Since we knew that beforehand, we decided to stop in Coralville for lunch. I randomly suggested
Quinton's Bar and Deli. It was superamazingriffic. I ordered the Sante Fe burger and it came on a delicious lightly toasted bun. I can't remember what Rob got because I was too busy saying "mmmm" every bite, but he liked his too. The kids meal was even good. They cut the crusts off the bread of Faith's sandwich and brought it out right away so we could feed her before our food arrived. I just read online they are opening another location in Des Moines. Can't wait eat there again!
As for the outlet mall, we "won" some great stuff. (That's what my mom always says at auctions).
-I got a $7.50 pair of darkwash jeans from the Gap Outlet.
-Rob got a pair of Iowa State shorts from Nike Outlet.
-Faith got a gloworm from Toys R Us outlet and clothes she didn't need from the Carter's outlet. I tried to purchase a shirt on sale that said "Big Sister" for Faith, but Rob wouldn't go for it. For clarity purposes, I am NOT pregnant. Just got a little baby fever that's all. And more cowbell isn't doing a damn thing for it.
Our vacation wasn't about to end without stopping for ice cream, so we went to McD's for a couple shakes. Faith finally learned how to use a straw, therefore I got little ice cream. Oh well. Vacation with this baby is not so bad. Hmm, where to go next?