No, not baby G lindquist...Ted. E. Bear (original, I know). Rob "won" Ted. E. at the TJ auction on Saturday. He came with two zoo passes, but needless to say won't be accompanying us to the zoo. Here, Ted. E. is chillaxin in my new rocker in the ever-so-crowded nursery. I say my rocker because Rob won't be the one using it at 2,3,4 a.m. Ayiyi, just thinking about seeing those hours on the clock makes me nervous, but at the same time, I'm so ready for Little Miss Lindquist to make her appearance. I wish I could enjoy pregnancy more, but for me it is just too worrisome and stressful. I hope the next 12 weeks fly by. I'm sure in hindsight they will, but for right now, time seems to be at a standstill! Also pictured are the new wall hangings we purchased from Wadding Creations I realize there's an overabundance of Iowa State gear in the baby room right now, but it will remain that way until we sell the futon at our garage sale on April 24 (mark your calendars...everything must go :) We have to keep a little bit of ISU gear in the room as we wouldn't have met, married or be creating a life together if it weren't for that school. Kinda holds a special place in our hearts, right next to baby G!
Meet the newest member of the Lindquist fam...
No, not baby G lindquist...Ted. E. Bear (original, I know). Rob "won" Ted. E. at the TJ auction on Saturday. He came with two zoo passes, but needless to say won't be accompanying us to the zoo. Here, Ted. E. is chillaxin in my new rocker in the ever-so-crowded nursery. I say my rocker because Rob won't be the one using it at 2,3,4 a.m. Ayiyi, just thinking about seeing those hours on the clock makes me nervous, but at the same time, I'm so ready for Little Miss Lindquist to make her appearance. I wish I could enjoy pregnancy more, but for me it is just too worrisome and stressful. I hope the next 12 weeks fly by. I'm sure in hindsight they will, but for right now, time seems to be at a standstill! Also pictured are the new wall hangings we purchased from Wadding Creations I realize there's an overabundance of Iowa State gear in the baby room right now, but it will remain that way until we sell the futon at our garage sale on April 24 (mark your calendars...everything must go :) We have to keep a little bit of ISU gear in the room as we wouldn't have met, married or be creating a life together if it weren't for that school. Kinda holds a special place in our hearts, right next to baby G!
Diabetes Free!
I just finished listening to a voicemail from my dr., who after telling me yesterday that no news is good news regarding the glucose tolerance test for gestational diabetes, called and left a message. before I could freak out, she explained in the voicemail that my test came back normal, but she was just calling to reassure me because "I know how you are" she said. point dr. carlson. anyway, the drink didn't end up being as bad as i thought though it did taste like straight sugar. i had our resident photographer in public relations, andrew e. nelson, chronicle me taking it. enjoy!
the liquid is probably something that little kids drink every day with a different label...reminds me of "bug juice" here goes nothing...

for some reason, you don't drink the whole thing. you pour it out to a certain level and then throw the rest away. i tried to get mr. lindquist to try the remainder, but he shot me down. payback for all the times i did it to him i suppose ;)

at first it wasn't so bad...

and then she got nasty...

but I persevered...

I win! Go me...diabetes free :)
the liquid is probably something that little kids drink every day with a different label...reminds me of "bug juice" here goes nothing...
for some reason, you don't drink the whole thing. you pour it out to a certain level and then throw the rest away. i tried to get mr. lindquist to try the remainder, but he shot me down. payback for all the times i did it to him i suppose ;)
at first it wasn't so bad...
and then she got nasty...
but I persevered...
I win! Go me...diabetes free :)
"Baby Class"
Um, nobody told me this was going to happen. I mean, I get it. But wow. And there were parts that were an animation too! Actually, there was a lot shown - with no warning. Graphic stuff. Real stuff. In fact, the "teachers" (a term I use loosely with the two ladies in charge) left the room during each of the videos we watched. But I learned a lot: like when not to pass out, and how to avoid watching certain facets of the whole birth.
Really though? Overall, it was good information, and I suppose a good refresher for those couples who were less than two weeks away from birthing. But they made about 3 hours of information last 7 hours... yikes. We do have certificates though. I'm not sure why - it doesn't say we did anything, accomplished anything, or won anything. It is just a certificate with our names. Yeah, now I can go pay for my new ____ with it... maybe not.
Kidding aside, "Baby Class" taught me how to swaddle, bathe, hold, transfer, clean, re-diaper, clothe, and burp my yet unborn girl. We also learned breathing and relaxation techniques(both of us, because I'm support).
I'm glad it's done because I feel we will have a lot going on in the next few months, but I hope I can remember when to HEE and when to WHO. Nicole is depending on me. Baby L is depending on me. Those animations aren't depending on me, but I have a feeling they will never be forgotten. This was baby class.
Really though? Overall, it was good information, and I suppose a good refresher for those couples who were less than two weeks away from birthing. But they made about 3 hours of information last 7 hours... yikes. We do have certificates though. I'm not sure why - it doesn't say we did anything, accomplished anything, or won anything. It is just a certificate with our names. Yeah, now I can go pay for my new ____ with it... maybe not.
Kidding aside, "Baby Class" taught me how to swaddle, bathe, hold, transfer, clean, re-diaper, clothe, and burp my yet unborn girl. We also learned breathing and relaxation techniques(both of us, because I'm support).
I'm glad it's done because I feel we will have a lot going on in the next few months, but I hope I can remember when to HEE and when to WHO. Nicole is depending on me. Baby L is depending on me. Those animations aren't depending on me, but I have a feeling they will never be forgotten. This was baby class.
Nursery update
Apparently the mall doesn't open until 10 a.m. on Saturdays, which is why I ended up spending $50 on baby books at Barnes and Noble (the one connected to Mall of the Bluffs) last weekend while waiting for Dillards to unlock its doors. I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for the Little Miss and Mr. Men books.
I think for most of us, the nostalgia of childhood has a powerful effect. Needless to say, Baby Lindquist is now a fan of the Little Miss and Mr. Men books too. Because of her genetics, she also may have a preference for Words for Walls when she grows up since Rob and I have them all over the house. The one shown here says "Create, Share, PLAY, Imagine, Dream."
I hope all of these things for my baby girl, but I know the sharing one may not come easily given her mommy's spoiled upbringing. Last but not least, we hung up a height measurer thing (is there a name for this?) that I'm proud to say I'm taller than. We also put up a little giraffe below - he needs a name.
Anyway, baby's room is coming along and so will baby before we know it. We are only 3 months and 2 weeks from the due date and I'm so excited to meet her I can hardly stand it! I think she'll be a Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Brainy and Little Miss Naughty all rolled into one!
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